Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Frequencies of Consciousness and Matter

Excerpted from The Scientific Illusion and the Relativity of Beliefs
By Anthony Forwood
Copyright (c) 2011 All rights reserved.

Consciousness and matter exist at opposite extremes of the electromagnetic spectrum. Matter, in its smallest constituent units, takes its most elementary forms through the highest frequency bandwidths that electromagnetic energy is known to take (approximately 1024 Hz). Consciousness, on the other hand, predominates the lowest frequency bandwidths of EM energy (0+ Hz). Between these two extremes lies the rest of perceptible reality. Certain bandwidths of this energy's full spectrum are made perceptible to us through our different sensory channels. Visual sight allows us to read information that is available in the spectrum of light, which is between about 1014 and 1015 Hz. Sound operates at a lower bandwidth.

That consciousness lies at the lowest point of the energy spectrum is interesting to note, because it places consciousness at the initiation point of any energetic action. 

Research using EEG machines to monitor brainwave activity has revealed that consciousness arises from the 'sleep' of no energetic movement, into progressively higher levels of conscious activity. As we have seen, four basic levels of consciousness have been determined to exist, each with progressively advanced characteristics that develop from the characteristics of lower levels. These levels are designated as the delta, theta, alpha, and beta states, and progress up from comatose sleep, to the dream state of normal sleep, to a relaxed waking state, to a focused state of awareness and concentration. 

It should be pointed out that ever more concentrated energy states exist beyond the upper limits of human consciousness, and something has to drive it in its organized patterns. The Big Bang theory cannot properly account for the actual origin of physical reality, and describes it as a singular point of extremely concentrated energy that suddenly bursts forth into time and space as we know them, with all the physical laws coming about in such a way that has culminated into the universe as we know it. Conscious development can be described in a similar way, with the same aspects arising in a certain order of increasing complexity. The only difference between the two is that one is described in physical terms and the other in mental terms. However, all aspects of the physical have their mental counterparts, but mental aspects do not necessarily have physical aspects (i.e. what we call subjective reality). This again suggests that consciousness is more fundamental to reality than matter.

The upper levels of consciousness - characterized by greater mental awareness and concentration - and the higher energy states of matter suggest that in a consciousness-based reality, particulate matter requires extremely powerful concentrations of energy to arise in order for it to form. However, once a balanced state of energetic motion is found, the energy needed to sustain it is minimal. It should be noted that this is very similar to the way in which automatic responses set in and become subconsciously directed after only a few repetitions of a consciously directed act. 

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